so down we came to the canteen. hey! its khabil! looks like he decided to visit us for a game of soccer. great. soccer was at 5pm and we had about an hour before h3 chem. so we decided to go "find T-" ahem, I mean hunting for khabil's sake. so it was me, the bishop, the devil, the devil wannabe (since he strangely said that he wished he had the devil's hair. ugh), khabil and sherlock (who had to convinced that the pope would grant him sufficient protection against you know who but I don’t really think everyone would no who. Lets keep in mind that he did not want to see the target we were hunting and the "you know who" person we identified to be in the target's close proximity). we went to the stadium steps. we checked the area and all and identified the location of the target. me and sherlock lagged behind. it was then that sherlock spotted the target! he bolted for the toilet without warning me. i looked to see what was wrong. zomg! "you know who" person was there behind the target too! in that split second the target spotted me and without thinking, i dashed after sherlock into the big toilet. there we rallied the troops. oh no! the devil wannabe and the bishop disappeared! have they been abducted by the target? thankfully, only the social animal vanished. the bishop rejoined us in the toilet where there was a very scared sherlock and a rather amused khabil. the bishop reported that the target and the "you know who" person had left the block but the devil had just spotted both individuals inside the gym. we needed an escape plan. we gathered at the back door of the big toilet with me standing at the half open toilet door. then, I experienced unexplainable and yet, mind numbing shock. I bolted into the toilet, out near the gym door and ran one whole round around the block and came back the same place. Well, it may not sound amusing in words, but trust me, the moment was hilarious. I was laughing/hollering as I ran. We quickly ran up the stairs and past the stadium steps and came in front of the MPH. but then, me and the devil heard the voices of the target's friends. we then engaged in some covert op spying (yielding no results because it was either impossible, or we were imagining, or they had just left the place). meanwhile, khabil sherlock and the bishop dashed across the second floor walkway hiding in the cover of the railings all the way to the dance studio. me and the devil gave up our spying and followed shortly. oh no again! it was a dead end! if the targets came now, we would be trapped! we quickly strategized hiding places behind a dustbin for all five of us (the devil wannabe was still unaccounted for). i pointed out the notion of jumping down to the lower levels and escape through there. this was vehemently rejected even though I said there was a sit up mat to cushion our fall of over two stories. rofl. we had to move fast lest the targets were closing in on us. we dashed in cover all the way to lecture theatre six (I think) where we hid. there, we conducted our debrief and post mortem. the picture below shows the diagram we drew. lmao.

the arrow shows the path we took. i leave you to identify the location. but you can see my hysterical run around the gym if you look carefully. the text "fs = pope" is a comment on my craziness.
the irony of it all was that after we escaped from the gym and did all that shit, the targets went to the canteen long before we finally came to our senses. oh, you could consider that thing to be an irony as well. so khabil was moderately happy i think.
and that was the story of our adventure. really. i still cant stop laughing when i think about the whole chain of events. however, today i recieved a hard slap in the dace (metaphorically). i came so close to a horror of long ago in the library. so close, we had to squeeze past each other through the library entrance. not only that, we met each other (ala, our eyes met) at least two other times today. it made me think. damn. that ruined a perfectly good day.
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